The book is now available at the Krishna Balarama Temple in Vrindavan. We feel it is very appropriate to have the first book placed in Srila Prabhupada’s hands in Raman Reti, since Yamuna Devi did so much significant service there for Srila Prabhupada.
Dina and other volunteers cried tears of joy when they saw pictures of HH Indradyumna Swami personally offering the book to Srila Prabhupada. You can see these amazing photos here.
Next, the book was offered at Yamuna Devi’s samadhi, accompanied with kirtans by Bada Haridas, Madhava , Amala Harinam, Manu, and others. Selections from the book were read, and the book publishing process was described by Dhananjaya Krishna Prabhu. Even Vikaran Seth, who oversaw the printing at Replika Press, came for the event. The entire event was coordinated by saintly Dharmatma Prabhu. You can see a selection of pictures here:
Please accept my obeisances. I live in Ukraine. Is it possible to somehow get this book?
Hare Krishna Mataji,
Please accept my obeisances. Right now, the closest options are BLS [] or Vrindavan (if someone you know is going there and can pick one up). We are trying to get the book translated into Russian, and distribute there after, but that won’t happen soon.
your servant,
Kartamasa das