After significant delays in receiving the shipment of books for North America, we finally received them in the nick of time, only 2 hours before the USA book launch on November 30th in Alachua. Most of the pickup pre-orders were delivered that day, and over the next 2 days we packed and shipped almost 200…
UK books available!
The books safely arrived in the UK this week and everyone who has pre-ordered the book on the website will be able to pick it up from the following locations, from Monday the 24th of November. 1. Gift shop at Radha-Krishna Temple10 Soho Street, London W1D 3DL2. Reception at Bhaktivedanta ManorDharam Marg, Hilfield Lane, Aldenham,…
Coming soon to Australia/New Zealand!
We are excited that we finally have a supplier to the devotees of Australia and New Zealand, since we have had multiple requests for the book there. The distributor for Australia and New Zealand is The books should be available there towards the end of the year. Please contact VedicSky for more info.

Vrindavan international book launch – report
The book is now available at the Krishna Balarama Temple in Vrindavan. We feel it is very appropriate to have the first book placed in Srila Prabhupada’s hands in Raman Reti, since Yamuna Devi did so much significant service there for Srila Prabhupada. Dina and other volunteers cried tears of joy when they saw pictures…

The books are in Vrindavan!
500 finished books are in Vrindavan Dham, ready for the book offering and launch Saturday, October 25th!
India orders and shipping now available!
We are now taking orders for the book from India via this website. Beginning October 27th, residents of India can order with a credit card or Paypal account, and have the book delivered by courier to their home. You can order on our site at: Select India and use a credit card or paypal to…
UK book release dates!
The following are the dates for events in the UK celebrating the arrival of Yamuna Devi’s book. Sunday, November 23rd Although this is subject to change because of shipping/customs delays, we hope that the book can be offered as part of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara’s 45th anniversary celebration at the Camden Centre. This would be:…
Mumbai book release date!
Dear devotees, with great pleasure we inform you that His Holiness Radhanath Swami is kindly hosting the Mumbai book launch at Radha Gopinath Temple in Chowpatty on: November 16th, 2014 Dinatarini devi (the author) will fly there to speak at this event, as she is greatly indebted to the devotees who cared for Yamuna there…
North American book release date!
We are planning the North American book release event for: Sunday, November 30th at the Alachua temple The author, Dinatarini devi dasi, is planning to present the book, and the support team of Kartamasa das, Radhakunda dasi, Raghunandini and possibly other contributors also hope to attend. We will be making ourselves available to share about the book throughout the…
Vrindavan book release date!
On this most auspicious weekend, honoring these most most merciful associates of the Lord, who were deeply treasured by Yamuna Devi – Srila Jiva Goswami, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and Srila Haridasa Thakura – we are pleased to announce that a date has been set to officially offer and release the book in Vrndavan, at the site of…