
Mumbai book launch report

Categories: Yamuna

This book launch was extraordinary because on Radhanath Maharaja’s request, Dinatarini devi spontaneously flew there to join him in presenting the book to the congregation. Yamuna Devi is dear to many devotees there, as she visited there a few times and also spent an extended time at the hospital there in her last year. The Vaishnavas there, led by Radhanath Maharaja and Krishna Chandra Prabhu’s illustrious extended family graciously made all arrangements for the event, which was held in two sessions on November 16th. 600 books were sold, many generously subsidized by donors headed by Sri Nathji and Krishna Chandra Prabhus. Here are some pictures, audio and video of the event. If anyone has more pictures, please send them to us.

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Author: kartamasa

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