
Website update

Categories: Yamuna

We have updated some information on the website, which you will mainly notice on the frontpage banner. For instance, there is now the Table of Contents for Volume 1 available.

Also, some of the bhajan download buttons don’t currently work (any from 2008 and 2009), due to a coding error. When the book is released, we will replace the entire Bhajan page with an Audio page, which will have all those bhajans plus Yamuna Devi kirtans and talks. So we will not be fixing the download buttons at this point since the page is temporary.

There will also be a video page of all collected videos featuring Yamuna Devi.

There will also be a remembrance page of all collected remembrances in text, audio, and video formats.

Finally, there will be excerpts of the actual pages of the book. However, since we used almost every available photo in the book itself, there will not be a separate photo page, since we feel it is important to read the text that accompanies the photos in the book.

Thank you all of you who have patiently checked in here over the last year. As soon as we know more, we will update you.

Author: kartamasa

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